clear teeth aligners

Are clear aligners right for you?

Clear teeth aligners are often a convenient, affordable way to straighten minor issues with the teeth. If you’re self-conscious about your teeth or want a straighter smile, you’ve probably considered aligners. But are they right for you? Aligners aren’t the right solution for everyone. In this post, we’ll help you figure out whether aligners could work for you, but make sure to speak to your dentist in Bristol for expert advice.

Are your teeth very crooked?

Aligners are designed to correct minor crookedness or imperfections in teeth. For example, an aligner would work well on a small gap or help align teeth that have shifted after braces. In these cases, an aligner will work in just a few months.

If you have very crooked or misaligned teeth, your dentist will likely recommend traditional braces for the best results.

Have You Had Braces?

If you’ve had braces in the past but your teeth have shifted, an aligner is usually a great solution. Previous treatment (whether that’s braces or aligners) is generally an indication that teeth are no longer severely misaligned and only need minor work to make perfect.

Are You Concerned About the Appearance?

Many people feel too self-conscious as an adult to have traditional braces fitted. Although there are discreet braces available, aligners are almost invisible, so a better option if you simply don’t want others to know you’re going through dental work.

Generally, people can’t tell you’re wearing aligners, so they are a discreet option for those who are feeling self-conscious.

Are you looking for quick results?

If you have significant misalignment, a clear aligner will take much longer to work than braces. So if you want results quickly, this might not be a good option for you.

However, aligners are a quick option if you have minor issues with your smile. Small imperfections can be treated in a matter of months with a clear aligner, and it’s much less invasive so easier for the patient.

Will you wear it diligently?

When you are fitted with braces, you have no choice but to keep them in. Aligners can be removed, so there’s always the temptation to take them out for events.

However, if you don’t keep your aligner in as required by your dentist (only removed for meals and brushing your teeth), it simply won’t give you the results you’re looking for.

Talk to your dentist about aligners

At Better Bite Dental Laboratory, we use leading technology to create personalised aligners for patients throughout Bristol. Our procedures give extremely accurate aligners that fit your mouth perfectly, unlike many brands on the market.

We work with dental practices throughout Bristol, Gloucestershire, and London, so speak to your dentist today about getting the best clear aligners from Better Bite Dental Lab.


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